07.27.2019 -
Boléxplosion - Cheers under the Moon!

After flashing over its home turf, the energy of Bolé landed on the stunning stage of Piazza Nuova.
Right from their explosive debut, flowing from hilltop to valley floor, then through our area’s most intriguing borghi, shimmering, enfolding, unstoppable bubbles illuminated Romagna’s heavens and projected their vivacious light onto new and unexplored horizons.
After flashing over its home turf, the energy of Bolé landed on the stunning stage of Piazza Nuova, in the very heart of Bagnacavallo, to celebrate the magic of summer.

On Wednesday, 31July 2019, we toasted that most-loved of seasons with a party brim-full of VIP chef delicacies, dancing melodies, rad vibes, and shared moments.
All thanks to those who shed their routine, gazed into the skies, and synched onto the wavelength Bolé, partying together beneath the claire de lune under the thirty arches of one of Italy’s most gorgeous piazzas.

A special thanks goes to those purveyors of fine taste, some of the top chefs of our region, who gave their own creative twist to the flavours of land and sea:
- Cocoloco Beach House
- La Cantina di Piazza Nuova
- Maré
- O’ Fiore Mio
- Osteria di Piazza Nuova
- Trattoria Petito
Thanks too to Bronson Produzioni, who created the event’s one-of-a-kind soundtrack, and to Simona Diacci Trinity and Guano Padano for setting our feet in rhythm under a romantic moon.

Hats off, then, and feet a-dance to Bolé, Italy’s new DOC sparkler fresh out of Romagna, cascading adventure, pleasure, the pure joy of being together, and everyday extravagance.
Ph. Eugenio Marongiu