04.23.2020 - Art & Design
Astrobolé | Taurus

TAURUS (Ταῦρος, Taurus)
2020 is going to be your year, Taurus! It is time to go into action: handle any and all contradictions with your enviable self-knowledge, and conduct a roof-to-basement psychic house-cleaning: get rid of anything old and decaying and retain only things that really count for you.
Your sign is bringing you a revolution made of great and small acts of rebellion. Things might seem like they’re happening to you by pure chance, but they are really part of an evolution and a process of personal transformation. Keep your eyes wide open, since positive opportunities may come up by surprise, where and when you least expect them.
When they appear, you’ve got to be ready to embrace them, then, with your usual careful procedures, you’ll know how to make the best of them. You’ll achieve the maximum result with a minimum of force, since your enthusiasm will carry you right through to your objective.
Venus, your protectress, will be by your side to help you enjoy the good things of life, and in particular, to make love grow. If you’re wanting changes in your job and novel experiences, just remember that it’s never too late to take the bull by the horns: let your own nature be your guide, and then look for the necessary help in achieving new goals.
You’re going to find in Bolé bubbles the best path to fun, to enjoying earthly delights, and to toasting the new! This is an important year for you, brimming with wonderful possibilities; once you achieve your goal, and you still decide to skip dessert, indulge yourself: pour another glass of bubbles!

Astrobolé: the zodiac written with tiny bubbles
12 intergalactic travellers will rain down upon the earth, each month, in the guise of richly-illustrated stories that will utilise celestial highways to vividly convey the intimate makeup and mineral profile of Bolé.