10.19.2020 -
Astrobolé | Scorpio

SCORPIO (Σκορπίος, Scorpio)
Are you ready to amaze yourself? Your 2020 will be a treasure-trove of marvellous discoveries. You will see that you have the power to turn changes to your own advantage and the clever ability to make circumstances and relationships work to your own advantage.
It will be an outstanding season for your profession and your career, for your income and social circle, but it promises less for your heart, which may swing wildly and beat erratically. The remedy? Go with the flow, let yourself be born on the current of the present, without torturing yourself over the past and the future. That’s your only path to inner peace.
You will have no lack of inner strength in 2020, which will allow you to gaze around you with fresh eyes and to recover, resolve, and re-launch. You will magically mix apparently contradictory influences, powerfully connecting up things long distant from each other.
The daring nature of your sign means that culinary novelty holds no fear for you! So, Bolé’s bubbles will open effervescent horizons of gourmet morsels and intriguing combinations that will nourish that daring soul.

Astrobolé: the zodiac written with tiny bubbles
12 intergalactic travellers will rain down upon the earth, each month, in the guise of richly-illustrated stories that will utilise celestial highways to vividly convey the intimate makeup and mineral profile of Bolé.